WBmerge is software designed to merge, split and inspect Excel workbooks (.XLSX). It does not require Microsoft Excel and can also be used by Google Sheets users. When using Google Sheets export your data by downloading spreadsheets from your Google Drive onto your local computer (.ZIP file), then upload back to Google your new WBmerge created workbook(s).
The merge feature supports merging multiple workbooks into a single new workbook and can accommodate multiple worksheets. WBmerge supports merging workbooks by column and worksheet position or name. The split feature supports splitting data from a single worksheet into a new workbook with a worksheet for each split item, or separate new workbooks for each split item. The inspect feature provides insight into the contents of a given workbook.
WBmerge will never modify your Excel workbooks, it will only create new workbooks containing your merge or split results.
Before downloading WBmerge, please download and review the WBmerge Installation Guide.
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